Data Visualisation and Warehousing

WKKim 08/23/2024


Data warehousing is a critical technology for organisations of all sizes. By bringing together data from disparate sources into a single repository, data warehouses can help organisations make better decisions, improve customer service, and increase profits.

Data visualisation is an important tool for data analysis. By visually representing data, it can be easier to understand trends and patterns that would be difficult to see in raw data.

  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of data warehousing concepts and techniques
  • To provide an opportunity for students to create a data warehouse using open source technologies and open source public data sets
  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of why data visualisation is important and how this communicates insights better than traditional reporting techniques
  • To provide students with an opportunity to create data visualisations and combine such visualisations into a single dashboard so as to tell a "data story"