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University Portal System was my first experience with a relational database (SQL), and it allowed me to partially understand how the software I was familiar with stored data. While designing the database myself, I thought about which tables would be necessary, and through the actual development process, I learned that I should have considered more deeply beyond just the tables and columns I initially planned.
EKMS project initially started with MsSQL, but during the commercialization process, we encountered several licensing issues, which led us to migrate to MySQL and MariaDB. During the migration to MariaDB, I had to manually modify the DML and DDL scripts based on MsSQL. There were challenging problems, such as dynamic queries (creating queries based on user input and storing them in a new stored procedure), but eventually, I successfully migrated to MariaDB. Although there were performance differences in data retrieval and bulk insert processes, the migration was functionally successful.
Electric Vehicle Battery Inspection Equipment Software project used Microsoft's Access DB, and the inspection procedures were stored in the database based on the equipment and production model. Each time a battery was introduced, the corresponding inspection procedure would be read from the database to conduct the inspection. Because the database was small in scale and there was no need to change the schema, I optimized the inspection process by minimizing the time spent on queries and database connections/disconnections.
Since correct inspection procedures were crucial for production quality, I implemented a backup process to ensure that any changes made for testing purposes could be easily restored at any time.
The database for ASP.NET is not complex and is quite simple, but it presented yet another challenge for me. I used Entity Framework and, above all, wanted to store both the articles I wrote and the images inserted within those articles in the database, regardless of the number of images. The goal was to be able to retrieve them whenever needed, instead of directly writing in HTML documents. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to achieve this, only to later realize that this is a common practice known as templating, which has been widely adopted in web development.
The article you are reading right now is also stored in the BlogPosts
table within MariaDB, and all posts are designed to fetch the stored content from the database into a single template.