Recognise and evaluate current trends in computer science, such as enterprise systems management, data protection, big data analytics, cyber security, pervasive computing, sustainable technology and risk management in Information Technology (IT)
Explore and discuss the integrative and collaborative nature of the IT industry, whilst identifying the relevance and impact of different regional and business contexts through discussion and group work
Apply theories of management and administration of IT systems within business environments and critically consider IT impacts on business and management in both large and small organisations.
Assess the Impact of Emerging Technologies at regional and local levels.
Emerging trends in the computing field include technologies like blockchain, pervasive computing, and artificial intelligence. The impact of these technologies on our daily lives is inescapable, especially in regional and local contexts.
The subfield of computer science known as artificial intelligence (AI) is focused on creating intelligent agents, which are often referred to as computer programs capable of thinking, learning, and behaving independently without the need for human involvement (Stahl, 2021, p15). The goal of research in artificial intelligence, sometimes AI, is to find a solution to the question of how computers may be made to act intelligently via programming
Applications of artificial intelligence may be put into action using a vast number of strategies, some of which are as follows: The process of teaching computers to learn from data on their own without being particularly instructed to do so is referred to as "machine learning." Computer scientists are responsible for developing this methodology (Ergen, 2019). The task of teaching computers to interpret human language and respond in a natural way for humans is what is meant by the term "natural language processing," which relates to the notion itself. Robotics refers to using machines, specifically robots, to carry out tasks that, if left to human beings, would be very difficult or even impossible. The process of drawing inferences and making projections about how things will play out in the future is referred to as predictive analytics. This process makes use of data (Stahl, 2021).
One use of artificial intelligence that may be found in our immediate surroundings is the employment of robots in manufacturing. Because of their capacity to carry out assembly work with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness, manufacturing facilities are increasingly resorting to using robots (Stahl, 2021). This makes the manufacturing process more efficient and reduces the amount of physical labor essential to the operation
The methods in which robots are employed may considerably impact how laws, societal norms, ethical considerations, and professional issues are influenced (Ergen, 2019). For instance, hospitals may use robots to support doctors when they are doing complex operations. This could be done so that the surgeons could perform their jobs more effectively. Although this can result in improved patient outcomes, it might also lead to job losses for those who work in healthcare, such as registered nurses and medical assistants. Robots have the potential to be deployed in the manufacturing sector to do tasks that are either hazardous or laborious, such as welding or the transportation of heavy objects (Stahl, 2021). The following are some examples of the sorts of employment that fall under this category: It is conceivable that this may result in humans losing their jobs since robots will take over their careers; nevertheless, it is more probable that this would result in more excellent worker safety and efficiency.
Since the application of artificial intelligence in local or regional settings will be diverse depending on the area's individual needs, there is no solution to this issue that is generally applicable (Ergen, 2019). Nevertheless, some examples of how artificial intelligence is being used in local or regional settings include the following: developing targeted marketing campaigns for local businesses; creating personalized learning experiences for students in provincial schools; improving public transportation systems through real-time data analysis; assisting farmers in optimizing crop yields through precision agriculture; and enabling law enforcement to quickly identify and respond to criminal activity.
Ergen, M. (2019). What is Artificial Intelligence? Technical Considerations and Future Perception. The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology. doi:10.14744/anatoljcardiol.2019.79091.
Stahl, B.C. (2021). Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence. SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance, pp.7–17. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-69978-9_2.
In the manufacturing field that I suggested, robots perform a wide range of tasks. For example, detecting objects and fastening bolts to objects. Determining if an object has moved to a suitable position. You can adjust the temperature you asked for (furthermore, you can learn by yourself based on data and control the environment and so on) (Mahadevkar et al., 2022)In my case, I am in charge of the inspection equipment to check if the battery is properly manufactured at the battery factory. For the test, we conduct the test by communicating with the battery and various measuring equipment.It is a facility that determines whether the inspection proceeds well according to the predefined steps and whether the inspection result data is maintained within the expected range.
This is also equivalent to AI, where computers behave intelligently. I'm looking for ways to make this system smarter. For example, the more repeated the examination, the more efficient and reliable the examination data can be found on your own. The actual product is normal, but the product is often judged to be defective due to equipment problems. In most cases, you can find a certain pattern, so if you can study and filter specific patterns, you can overcome this problem. As such, even in industrial sites (the site where I work, there are more cases), the applicability of AI exists indefinitely. If the scope of medical, legal, financial, and service industries is expanded, AI-related research will continue to increase.
Weak AIs such as reminders, alarms, and various convenience functions of vehicles (hands-free, etc.) of your mobile phone have already penetrated deeply into our lives.(IBM Cloud Education, 2020) AI is definitely a convenient technology for people. Paradoxically, there are also disadvantages of fewer manpower and fewer jobs due to convenience. Therefore, when studying AI, we should take the lead in fully considering social, legal, and ethical considerations and coming up with solutions.
However, as I mentioned earlier, AI-related research will continue to increase. We can give AI what AI can do, such as industrial sites and service industries, and the remaining manpower can perform higher-level tasks. AI is definitely necessary for us, such as research and development for higher-level AI or business development that makes our lives more prosperous.
Mahadevkar, S.V. et al. (2022) “A review on machine learning styles in Computer Vision—techniques and future directions,” IEEE Access, 10, pp. 107293–107329. Available at:
This section evaluates the ability of IT professionals to effectively communicate technical knowledge and collaborate.
For preparation, groups should use the group discussion forum and Microsoft Teams for communication, and ensure that the poster uses text, charts, images, and other elements to present information clearly.
The topic could be a technology (e.g. blockchain), a practice (e.g. risk management) or any other topic
Researching poster materials
Designing the poster draft
Writing the poster content (Introduction, Body1, Body2)
One of the three group members was unresponsive. Attempts to contact them through the student support team were made, but he joined only a week before the assignment was due.
The poster work, which was meant for three people, had to be divided between two members.
The role of recording the video was reassigned to a late-returning team member.
One of the main drivers of green computing is the potential savings in money, energy, and resources. However, these potential savings can sometimes be difficult to identify and track.
Describe a case study on the practical implementation of green computing and review both the costs and benefits of the implementation.
A case study analyzes real-life situations that address or discuss existing issues. You can describe the situation based on actual experiences or, if none are available, explain real scenarios from the literature.
Green computing in cloud computing is a way to reduce all the pollution caused by cloud computing. The power consumptions are increasing day by day & year by year. (Shree et al., 2020) One google search generates 0.02g of carbon dioxide and it is as much CO2 as a human breathe out in 2 seconds (Goyal et al., 2015). In normal cloud computing power consumption is very high so here we will discuss the way to reduce energy consumption. Green could computing is a model that gives positive side not only to nature but also to the data center and service provider as they utilize the resources efficiently.(Shree et al., 2020)
Comprehensive Solutions for Green Cloud
Renewable energy sources:
renewable energy sources collected from natural resources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. They can be used to cool the system and generate the necessary power to drive the various components of the data center.
Data center airflow and cooler processes:
Consolidation and Migration
Renewable energy sources : Google
I would like to discuss about usage renewable energy sources from Google. According to the statics of Greenpeace report on the greenest IT companies of 2017, Google is the leading one (Greenpeace, 2019). Major reason for this is the sustainable data centers that are maintained by the Google Cloud. To maintain the sustainability, they are using the concepts like renewable energy, efficient data centers and circular waste management (Google). Google is maintaining 23 data centers all over the world. Those data centers are well designed to maximize the efficiency and minimize the environment impact. To increase the efficiency, they are using technologies like smart temperature, smart lighting controls, advanced cooling techniques and a redesign of the distribution of power to reduce energy loss. Altogether on average Google data centers use 50% less energy than others. (Jayalath et al., 2019) Also, the G Suite products(Gmail, Calendar, Docs, and Drive) which are managed by Google, have reported reductions in IT energy use and carbon emissions of 65% to 85%.
In the past, Google has invested at least $3.5 billion on three continents to supply renewable energy. In Europe, it has spent more than a billion dollars. (Silverstein, 2022) Google was the only major cloud provider in 2021 to match renewable energy usage and electricity consumption 100 percent over the past five years.(Corio, 2022) This makes Google Cloud the cleanest cloud in the industry. Google has been in charge of more than 60 clean energy projects with a total capacity of more than 7 gigawatts since 2010. (Google) In addition, Google is constantly exploring every aspect of data center’s operations to eliminate waste. As a result, Google data centers are twice as energy efficient as regular data centers (Hölzle, 2020). Although power consumption is the same as it was five years ago, computing performance is about seven times higher (Hölzle, 2020). AI-based data center cooling systems deliver approximately 30% energy savings (Hölzle, 2020).
Goyal, Y., Arya, M.S. and Nagpal, S. (2015) “Energy efficient hybrid policy in green cloud computing,” 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) [Preprint]. Available at:
Jayalath, J.M. et al. (2019) “Green cloud computing: A review on adoption of green-computing attributes and vendor specific implementations,” 2019 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE) [Preprint]. Available at:
Shree, T., Kumar, R. and Kumar, N. (2020) “Green Computing in Cloud Computing,” 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN) [Preprint]. Available at:
The ways to reduce cloud computing are known as green computing (Shree, Kumar, & Kumar, 2020, para 1). Power consumption is increasing daily throughout the years. To reduce energy consumption, the use of green cloud computing is essential. Renewable energy sources are perfect solutions for green cloud computing (Toor et al., 2019, 11122). Google is a leading company in the use of sustainable data centers.
I agree with your points about the challenges that Google may face when adopting renewable power sources for its data centers. Ensuring the reliability and safety of the power systems is crucial, as demonstrated by the recent accidents in Iowa and London. Additionally, the high cost of power storage can be a barrier to the widespread adoption of renewable energy (Faunce et al., 2018, 4). However, I think that Google's experience and expertise in data center design and management, as well as its commitment to sustainability, will enable it to overcome these challenges and continue to lead the way in the use of renewable energy in the cloud computing industry. Additionally, external factors such as regulatory frameworks and incentives for renewable energy can help to accelerate the adoption of green power in the industry (Diezmartínez, 2021). Overall, I believe that Google's efforts to use renewable energy in its data centers will serve as an example for others to follow.
I agree with your points about the environmental impact of manufacturing computer and IT devices, and the need for companies like Google to take responsibility for their carbon footprint. As one of the largest companies in the cloud computing market, Google has a significant impact on the environment and should be transparent about its efforts to reduce its carbon emissions (Lacoste, Luccioni, Schmidt, & Dandres, 2019, 4). I also agree that using machine learning and carbon-intelligent computing platforms can help Google to improve the efficiency of its data centers and move closer to its goal of achieving carbon-free energy. However, as you mentioned, there is limited information available to the public about the effectiveness of these measures. I think that allowing an external auditor to assess the environmental impact of Google's data centers would be a good way to provide more transparency and accountability, and would help to build trust with stakeholders.
Diezmartínez, C.V., 2021. Clean energy transition in Mexico: Policy recommendations for the deployment of energy storage technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135, p.110407.
Faunce, T.A., Prest, J., Su, D., Hearne, S.J. and Iacopi, F., 2018. On-grid batteries for large-scale energy storage: Challenges and opportunities for policy and technology. MRS Energy & Sustainability, 5.
Lacoste, A., Luccioni, A., Schmidt, V. and Dandres, T., 2019. Quantifying the carbon emissions of machine learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09700.
Shree, T., Kumar, R., and Kumar, N., 2020, December. Green Computing in Cloud Computing. In 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN) (pp. 903-905). IEEE.
Toor, A., ul Islam, S., Sohail, N., Akhunzada, A., Boudjadar, J., Khattak, H.A., Din, I.U. and Rodrigues, J.J., 2019. Energy and performance aware fog computing: A case of DVFS and green renewable energy. Future Generation Computer Systems, 101, pp.1112-1121.
The computer science field is an ever-evolving field. From Turing machines to self-driving cars, we see examples of emerging and innovative technologies every day.
Define and explain the emerging trend
Outline the problem that this emerging trend is trying to solve and why it is important to solve it
Explain how the emerging trend solves the problem, which will also provide a giving deeper insight into the emerging trend and its technologies
Describe some applications of the emerging trend
Analyse the local and global impact of emerging trend applications
Reference and cite at least two peer-reviewed articles supporting your essay.
The mind theory is one of the most common automated AI. THE mind theory AI is an adaptive AI that can learn from its mistakes and is able to make decisions in a similar way as humans do. Limited memory AI is the other type of automated AI. Limited memory AI does not have the capacity to remember what it has done before, but it can still make decisions based on the information that it has at the time. It cannot predict what will happen in the future or learn from past mistakes. Reactive AI is another form of automated AI. Reactive AI remembers what happened before and learns from previous mistakes. It does not have a strategy for the future, so it cannot make predictions about what will happen next. The mind theory AI is a type of artificial intelligence that has the capacity to think and feel. It also has a limited memory and can only store so much in-formation. This AI is not capable of developing complex thoughts or emotions. Limited memory AI is an artificial intelligence that can process information, but it cannot remem-ber anything past the moment it was created. These types of AIs are incapable of devel-oping complex thoughts or emotions, because they have no way to store any information for long periods of time. Reactive AI are artificial intelligences that are programmed to respond to certain stimuli in a way that we as humans would react in the same situation. The mind theory AI is based on the idea that an AI can be built to have a mind like a hu-man being. It has memory, emotions and consciousness. Limited memory AI is based on the idea that an AI will not have a full range of memories like humans do. They will only be able to remember certain things or events that are important for their jobs. Reactive AI is based on the idea that an AI will not actively think about what it should do next in order to achieve its goals. It will react to events and make decisions in real time without any pre-planning.
Automation drives are instruments that allow repetitive processes to be automated. Au-tomation drives make it easier to complete activities in a timely and correct manner. Au-tomation drive systems have grown in popularity in recent years as technology has evolved. Automation drives are extremely important in the manufacturing business, where they can cut labor costs, enhance productivity, and improve product quality. Auto-mation is a new and revolutionary technology that has been emerging in the past few years. It's been utilized for repetitive activities like data entry and customer service. Au-tomation is also used for tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans to do, such as mining and construction. The first major use of automation was during the Industrial Rev-olution in the 1700s. This was when machines were first being introduced in factories to replace human labor. The invention of computers in the 1940s made it possible to auto-mate even more tasks like mathematical calculations, which had previously been done by hand by people with arithmetic skills (Ivanov et al. 2022, 17). Today, automation is being applied to many different industries like agriculture and transportation, as well as areas like health care and education.
Automation is the use of machines to perform tasks that would otherwise be done by humans. The concept of automation has been around for a long time, but it is only re-cently that we have seen a major rise in the use of automation technology. Automation is changing the way we do things and it is changing our world. Robots are becoming more common in factories, warehouses, and even hospitals. Self-driving cars are already being tested on public roads and drones are being used to deliver packages. We will soon be living in a world where robots do our work for us and drive our cars for us, without any need for human input or involvement at all. Machine tools, robotics, and industrial produc-tion processes are examples of applications that use automation drives. Automation drives allow for precise positioning of the machine tools, which can make an operation faster and more precise. Automation drives can also make production processes more efficient; they can be programmed to do the same task over and over with speed and accuracy. Automation has been a big part of the workforce for many years now. It has helped reduce the cost of doing business, increased efficiency, and improved quality. The introduction of automation has solved many problems. It has eliminated the need for hu-man labor, improved efficiency and reduced costs. The introduction of automation has done away with the need for human labor. Machines can do the same work as humans at a fraction of the cost, which is great because it means that companies can save money while still getting their work done. Automation also improves efficiency, which means that companies can get more work done in a shorter period of time. Automation drives are used to reduce the time that is needed for driving. This has allowed for safer and more efficient driving. They can also be used in factories and warehouses where they are used to move items around without the need for human labor.
The use of automation in the workplace has been growing exponentially over the past few years. Automation can be applied to different tasks such as switching between applica-tions, data entry, and repetitive manual labor. Automation has many benefits including increased productivity, reduced errors and improved customer service. Automation drives are a big part of the future of transportation. They have been around for a while, but they are starting to take off with new innovations in the self-driving car industry. Self-driving cars are safer and more efficient than human drivers. They can be programmed to follow traffic laws and make sure that they don't get distracted behind the wheel. These cars could also be used as public transportation in cities or rural areas where there is not enough public transportation available today. Automation drives are used in many differ-ent situations. They can be used in the military, to automate certain tasks on a factory floor, or to help a driver with their navigation. There are many uses for automation drives. They can be used in the military to automate certain tasks on a factory floor or to help a driver with their navigation.
Some examples of automation are robotic manufacturing, self-service checkouts in su-permarkets, and automatic teller machines (ATMs) (Ranerup and Henriksen 2022, 450). They enable the automation process to be more efficient and accurate. This is particularly important for businesses that are continuously looking for ways to improve their efficiency and reduce costs. Automation drives are also essential in manufacturing, as they ensure that the production process runs smoothly and without interruption. The use of automa-tion drives can be seen in a variety of applications, such as controlling the speed of a conveyor belt in a manufacturing setting, regulating the temperature of an oven or fur-nace, and controlling the pressure in a hydraulic system. Automation drives have become increasingly popular as they are reliable and highly precise. They also provide a high de-gree of flexibility, allowing for quick and easy adjustment to changing process require-ments. From the manufacturing sector, where automated systems can help to increase production and reduce costs, to the healthcare industry, where automated systems are being used to streamline healthcare processes. Automation drives are also being used in the transport sector, as they help to increase the efficiency of transportation networks. Automation drives also play an important role in the energy sector, as they help to reduce energy consumption, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions. Automa-tion drives are used to automate and simplify repetitive tasks. Automation is a process that reduces the need for human labor, while increasing efficiency (Fields 2022, 170). Automation is part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that has been affecting all aspects of our lives. Automation in the workplace has been affecting jobs and workforces around the world. In developed countries, automation is leading to higher unemployment rates and lower wages. The global impact of automation will be felt by all parts of society as it continues to change the way we live and
The global impact of automation drives has been discussed in many articles, but there are still some things that need to be looked at more closely. One thing that needs to be looked at is the potential for automation drives to cause a rise in unemployment or job insecurity. There are some studies that show a correlation between job insecurity and the rise of mental illness. Another thing is how automation drives will impact the way we work and live in the future. The current trend is going towards more freelance work, with fewer people being employed full time by one company. This may have an effect on retirement funds as well as other benefits offered by employers. The local impact of automation drives can be seen through what is happening in countries like Japan and South Korea, where robots are replacing human workers (Eulerich et al. 2022, 698). This has led to many people losing their jobs and having difficulty finding new ones because they lack the right skillsets for these positions. Automation drives are the most important aspect of the global economy. It is predicted that it will have a significant impact on the future of work.
Some experts say that automation will be a solution to low-skill jobs and will increase productivity. But some studies show that there might be an increase in unemployment and poverty rates in the future. Automation drives have become increasingly prevalent in the global economy, leading to far-reaching implications for both local and international markets. For example, the use of automation technologies has resulted in large-scale job displacement in many industries, in particular those with a reliance on manual labor. At the same time, automation has enabled businesses to increase efficiency and productivi-ty, resulting in increased revenue and cost savings. Automation also has a major impact on global economic competitiveness, allowing companies to reduce production costs and gain advantages over competitors. Automation has had both local and global impacts in the workplaces where it has been implemented. On a local level, automation has allowed factories and other workplaces to reduce their reliance on human labor, which has had a significant impact on local employment. At the same time, automation has had a global impact as well, as increased productivity has allowed companies to expand their opera-tions into new markets around the world (Menon et al. 2022). In the local space, automa-tion has allowed for an increase in efficiency, as tasks that would have required manual labor no longer need it. It has allowed for a decrease in labor costs, and a faster turna-round time for companies. Globally, automation has allowed for companies to expand their reach into new markets; as many tasks can now be done remotely, companies can do more with fewer
Automation is the process of using technology, such as robotics, to perform repetitive and mundane tasks in a more efficient way. Automation drives are technologies that au-tomate processes in order to increase production and reduce costs. Automation drives are used in many industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and media. Au-tomation drives have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the potential for increased efficiency and cost savings. Automation is the process of using technology, such as robotics, to perform repetitive and mundane tasks in a more efficient way. Auto-mation drives are technologies that automate processes in order to increase production and reduce costs (Babaei et al. 2022, 4) Automation drives are used in many industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and media. Automation drives have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the potential for increased efficiency and cost savings. Automation can increase efficiency and accuracy, leading to increased product quality and reduced costs. Automation can also improve customer service and ease the burden of mundane tasks on employees, allowing for more time to focus on innovation. Automation also brings about a greater level of accuracy and data integrity that is essen-tial in today’s business world.
Babaei, A., Kebria, P.M. and Nahavandi, S., 2022, July. A survey on Automation Tech-nologies used in Network Control and Management. In 2022 15th International Con-ference on Human System Interaction (HSI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Eulerich, M., Pawlowski, J., Waddoups, N.J. and Wood, D.A., 2022. A framework for us-ing robotic process automation for audit tasks. Contemporary Accounting Research, 39(1), pp.691-720.
Fields, D., 2022. Automated landlord: Digital technologies and post-crisis financial accu-mulation. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(1), pp.160-181.
Glushachenko, N.S., 2022. Modern technologies in IT sphere and their impact on auto-mation of labor.
Howcroft, D. and Taylor, P., 2022. Automation and the future of work: A social shaping of technology approach. New Technology, Work and Employment.
Ivanov, S.H., Webster, C., Stoilova, E. and Slobodskoy, D., 2022. Biosecurity, crisis management, automation technologies and economic performance of travel, tourism and hospitality companies–A conceptual framework. Tourism Economics, 28(1), pp.3-26.
Menon, V.G., Jacob, S., Joseph, S., Sehdev, P., Khosravi, M.R. and Al-Turjman, F., 2022. An IoT-enabled intelligent automobile system for smart cities. Internet of Things, 18, p.100213.
Qin, X., Xu, W., Chen, H.C., Zhong, J., Sun, Y. and Li, X., 2022. Automation, firm em-ployment and skill upgrading: firm-level evidence from China. Industry and Innovation, 29(9), pp.1075-1107.
Ranerup, A. and Henriksen, H.Z., 2022. Digital discretion: Unpacking human and techno-logical agency in automated decision making in Sweden’s social services. Social Sci-ence Computer Review, 40(2), pp.445-461.
Saputra, Y.M., Rosyid, N.R., Hoang, D.T. and Nguyen, D.N., 2022. Advanced Sensing and Automation Technologies. Enabling Technologies for Social Distancing: Funda-mentals, concepts and solutions.
Vrontis, D., Christofi, M., Pereira, V., Tarba, S., Makrides, A. and Trichina, E., 2022. Arti-ficial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic review. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(6), pp.1237-1266.
Wiseman, Y., 2022. Autonomous vehicles. In Research Anthology on Cross-Disciplinary Designs and Applications of Automation (pp. 878-889). IGI Global.