Multi-Agent Systems

WKKim 08/16/2024


Multi-agent systems (MAS) represent a core area of research of contemporary Artificial Intelligence. MAS can be identified as a subfield of Distributed Artificial Intelligence that has experienced rapid growth in the last decades, mainly because of its flexibility and the capacity to solve distributed problems.

A MAS consists of multiple decision-making agents which interact in a shared environment to achieve common or conflicting goals. MAS research spans a range of technical problems, such as how to develop algorithms enabling multiple agents to achieve specified goals in a determined context, how to incentivise defined behaviours in intelligent agents, how agents can efficiently communicate with each other.

  • Provide you with an in-depth understanding of what an (intelligent) agent and a Multi-Agent System are.
  • Provide you with comprehensive knowledge of how agents reason and communicate with each other.
  • Furnish you with the relevant expertise for designing and creating multi-agent systems.
  • Establish a comprehensive and practical awareness of the techniques used to develop Ontologies.
  • Be able to critically understand the techniques for Multi-agent decision making, Negotiating and bargaining.