Research Methods in Computer Science

WKKim 08/16/2024


 Explore the varying ways in which research is conceptualised, designed, conducted, analysed and how the results might be disseminated. The Research Methods module provides you an in depth understanding on how research fits into the context of the Computer Science discipline and the Computing profession. This module walks you through the various stages of research, from choosing a research topic, developing the proposal, conducting research using the standard approaches for research design and data collection, managing the research process, including evaluating and analysing the outcomes and presenting or disseminating the results. Throughout the module, we look at aspects related to Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues, especially important given the global environment in which we work.

  • Engage in a deep and systematic exploration of the nature of computing research projects, including those that offer new opportunities for innovative research
  • Examine how the various phases of conducting a research project within the Computer Science discipline includes considerations for Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues (LSEPI), including the use of codes of practice
  • Discuss how a research project proposal is developed from an initial idea, a review of the currently available literature, identification of aims, objectives, goals and outcomes, risks, potential benefits and outcomes and the potential for contributions to academic and commercial research communities
  • Explore and enhance the ability to critically review the literature, develop an in-depth understanding related to managing research projects utilizing tools and techniquesDemonstrate an application of the key characteristics related to the nature of strategic computing projects that harness recent development within the Computer Science discipline and profession
  • Identify the various stages of a research project, conducted within the academic or commercial environments
  • Develop a research project proposal, for purposes of presentation and preparation for approval
  • Evaluate research methodologies and methods for appropriate selection, given the research context
  • Demonstrate an in-depth contextual understand of the fundamental concepts associated with Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues within the context of conducting research in the Computer Science discipline
  • Identify the ways in which research project results can be disseminated, through a variety of venues and contexts