Exploring and Applying Research Methodologies and Methods suitable for research conducted within the Computer Science discipline
The choice of a research methodology and related research methods reflect not only the context of the research but also include decisions related to the way the research is initially framed through the hypothesis statements or research questions.
This discussion invites you to research and reflect on the different research methodologies and related research methods, in light of a research idea or topic that holds your interest.
- Conduct an initial review of research articles related to the research idea or topic you've chosen, reviewing the types of research approaches used by the researchers, their choice of methodology and methods and why these approaches were chosen.
- Reflect on your own personal experiences with Computer Science projects that might have required you to investigate the feasibility of a particular technology or application of a technology within a context, from a 'problem solving' perspective.
Several research methodologies have been used in AI and machine learning especially in creating efficient and reliable models used in making decisions in various fields. Two highly informative researches help in distinguishing between various methodological approaches and their use in AI and ML fields.
In their article “Systematic literature review of machine learning methods used in the analysis of real-world data for patient-provider decision making,” Brnabic and Hess (2021) explores the use of ML approaches in real-world data used to inform patient and provider decision. In their assessment of 34 publications, they identified a plethora of approaches, such as decision tree and random forest. Internal validation was widely employed, but external validation was used selectively, suggesting that there may be a lack of broader applicability of the findings. The authors suggest the utilisation of various machine learning techniques and elaborate validation procedures to enhance evidence supporting patient care actions.
In contrast, the method formulated by Zaki Ahmed and Diaz (2022) in their article “A Methodology for Machine-Learning Content Analysis to Define the Key Labels in the Titles of Online Customer Reviews with the Rating Evaluation” emphasises content analysis of online customer reviews in the context of airline services. Their unique approach entails the conversion of titles of qualitative reviews to quantitative forms, which can be subjected to regression analysis. The methodology is useful in determining important labels that affects the general ratings and may be assisted in improving customer satisfaction in the airline industry.
The critical discussion of these methodologies exposes their strengths and weaknesses. Although decision tree and random forest techniques provide several methods to handle large amount of data, there are some restrictions on generalisation of the results mainly because of lack of external testing in some of the works. In the same way, while turning qualitative data into quantitative variables helps to transform sentiment analysis, this process might distort complex meanings of words and overall emotions stated in customers’ reviews.
The methodologies and methods presented in these research articles resonate with my study on creating an AI model to predict students’ academic performance in learning environments (Jiao et al., 2022). When applied to the educational domain, decision tree and random forest can be useful in predicting performance of each student. In addition, quantitative conversion from qualitative feedback of students can help enhance the data gathered on student satisfaction and engagement level to design more effective educational interventions (Rajabalee & Santally 2021).
In conclusion, these articles highlight the need to adopt a more rigorous research methodologies in AI and machine learning urging researchers in this field to employ different techniques and come up with better validation methods that make their findings dependable and usable in real-world decision-making scenarios.
- Brnabic, A., & Hess, L. M. (2021). Systematic literature review of machine learning methods used in the analysis of real-world data for patient-provider decision making. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 21, 1-19.
- Jiao, P., Ouyang, F., Zhang, Q., & Alavi, A. H. (2022). Artificial intelligence-enabled prediction model of student academic performance in online engineering education. Artificial Intelligence Review, 55(8), 6321-6344.
- Rajabalee, Y. B., & Santally, M. I. (2021). Learner satisfaction, engagement and performances in an online module: Implications for institutional e-learning policy. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 2623-2656.
- Zaki Ahmed, A., & Rodríguez Díaz, M. (2022). A Methodology for Machine-Learning Content Analysis to Define the Key Labels in the Titles of Online Customer Reviews with the Rating Evaluation. Sustainability, 14(15), 9183.
The selection of research strategy and relevant methods in Computer Science is informed by the context and goals of the research. This discussion revolves around methodologies and methods that are relevant to the analysis of ethics in AI systems, based on two articles. The research topic I have chosen is "Ethical Considerations in AI Development." The autonomy and the sophistication of the AI systems implemented put into question the ethical concerns of implementing such technologies.
The study by Abazi-Bexheti et al. (2020) “Word Cloud Analytics of the Computer Science Research Publications’ Titles over the Past Half Century,” employed the DBLP database as the data basis to discover trends in the Computer Science research of the past fifty years. These trends were supported with the help of text visualization tools, more specifically word clouds. This quantitative approach was selected because of the amount of data and to observe trends over a long period of time. Word clouds offered an easy and quick means of presenting structures that otherwise would have taken time to explain and comprehend (Gotterbarn et al. 2018). This approach is suitable for my study on AI ethics as it presents a straightforward way of mapping trends and foci over the discourse period.
In contrast, Buchanan et al. (2011) expand on the complex relationship between computer science research, specifically in security, and the ethical treatment of people. As highlighted in their article, IRBs are not easy in the process of adopting these norms that are mainly developed for biomedical and social sciences more so in computer science ethical context. In the current study, the authors use qualitative research methods that include literature, case studies, and conceptual analysis to explain how basic ethical principles of risk management, the protection of confidentiality, and the acquisition of informed consent differ in computer science fields where subjects are usually data or systems and not individuals. This methodology not only reveals the complex ethical issues at stake in computer science research but also provides modifications to conventional ethical approaches that are specific to AI ethics.
Regarding the research topic relating to ethical considerations in AI development, I shall use both quantitative and qualitative approach in data collection and analysis. First, a quantitative research approach consisting of data mining from academic databases and word frequency analysis of the retrieved documents and publications will determine some of the many ethical issues as well as general trends over time (Owen et al. 2013). Second, a qualitative analysis comprising of a literature review of various ethical guidelines and significant conceptual analysis to create a framework for ethical AI engineering. This method will result in the creation of a body of work that perhaps can inform future research and practical applications in the field of AI ethics.
- Abazi-Bexheti, L., Kadriu, A., & Apostolova, M. (2020, September). Word Cloud Analytics of the Computer Science Research Publications’ Titles over the Past Half Century. In 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (pp. 887-892). IEEE.
- Buchanan, E., Aycock, J., Dexter, S., Dittrich, D., & Hvizdak, E. (2011). Computer science security research and human subjects: Emerging considerations for research ethics boards. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 6(2), 71-83.
- Gotterbarn, D. W., Brinkman, B., Flick, C., Kirkpatrick, M. S., Miller, K., Vazansky, K., & Wolf, M. J. (2018). ACM code of ethics and professional conduct.
- Owen, R., Stilgoe, J., Macnaghten, P., Gorman, M., Fisher, E., & Guston, D. (2013). A framework for responsible innovation. Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, 27-50.