
WKKim 08/16/2024


Robotics is the science of perceiving and manipulating the physical world through computer-controlled devices and is an area of rapid commercial investment and development with clear employment opportunities. Robotics technology has an impact on every part of life, both at work and home. Robotics has the ability to positively alter people's lives and work habits, increase efficiency and safety, and deliver better service. Furthermore, robotics is poised to become the driving technology underlying a new generation of autonomous devices and cognitive artefacts that, through their learning capabilities, interact seamlessly with the world around them, thus providing the missing link between the digital and physical worlds.

The module covers a wide range of topics in the field of robot control, including belief systems, sensors, maps and mapping, and localisation.

  • In addition to a number of practical formative tasks, two summative assignments will be undertaken (one of which is a group-based project), which will allow you to use a variety of Robotics techniques and commercial tools within an academic context. 

  • The practical work will involve the use of CoppeliaSim (V-REP) robotic simulator to simulate models of robots within simulated environments.