In [48]:
!pip install openpyxl
Requirement already satisfied: openpyxl in /home/woong/ppp/.vppp/lib/python3.9/site-packages (3.1.5) Requirement already satisfied: et-xmlfile in /home/woong/ppp/.vppp/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from openpyxl) (2.0.0)
In [49]:
import openpyxl
# Create a new Excel file
excel_file = openpyxl.Workbook()
excel_sheet =
# Add data (append a row as a list of values)
excel_sheet.append(['data1', 'data2', 'data3'])
# Save the Excel file'tmp.xlsx')
# Close the Excel file
In [50]:
# Define a function to write a list of data into an Excel file
import openpyxl
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def write_excel_template(filename, sheetname, listdata):
# Create a new Excel workbook
excel_file = openpyxl.Workbook()
excel_sheet =
# Set column width for better readability
excel_sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 100
# Rename the sheet if a name is provided
if sheetname != '':
excel_sheet.title = sheetname
# Append data row by row
for item in listdata:
# Save the Excel file
# Close the Excel file

Save Excel file¶
A sample program to navigate multiple pages within a blog, retrieve the title, author, post date, and tag list from each page, and save the retrieved data into an Excel file.
In [51]:
# List to store product details
product_list = []
# List of URL handles to iterate over
page_list = ['Winform_UPS', 'Winform_LSMS', 'Winform_KADIS', 'WPF_EKMS', 'Winform_EOL', 'ASP_Blog', 'AI_GTCS',
'AI_Reasoning', 'AI', 'AI_Robotics', 'AI_MAS', 'AI_DVW', 'AI_RMCS', 'CSharp', 'SQL', 'Python',
'AI_ML', 'AI_NLP', 'AI_Dissertation']
# Loop through the list of URL handles to scrape data from each page
for url_handle in page_list:
if url_handle is None:
# If no specific URL handle is provided, access the main page
res = requests.get('')
# Access a specific page using the URL handle
res = requests.get(f'{url_handle}')
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'html.parser')
# Extract the blog post title
title = soup.select_one('h1.mb-3')
# Extract additional information (author and post date)
post_info ='span.text-secondary')
auth = post_info[0].get_text().strip() # Extract author name
date = post_info[1].get_text().strip() # Extract post date
# Extract tags and combine them into a single string
tags ='')
tag_text = ', '.join(tag.get_text().strip() for tag in tags)
# Append the extracted data to the product list
product_list.append([title.get_text().strip(), auth, date, tag_text])
# Write the extracted data to an Excel file
write_excel_template('result.xlsx', 'Product Info', product_list)
Load Excel file¶
In [52]:
# Load the Excel file to read the data
read_excel_file = openpyxl.load_workbook('result.xlsx')
# Display all sheet names in the workbook (returns a list of sheet names)
# Select the specific sheet named "Product Info" to read data
read_excel_sheet = read_excel_file["Product Info"]
# Iterate through each row in the sheet and print its content
## Each `row` is a tuple containing cell values from one row
## Convert each cell value to a string and join them with a comma
for row in read_excel_sheet.rows:
print(', '.join(str(cell.value) for cell in row))
# Close the Excel file after completing the reading operation
University Portal System Mock Development, WKKim, 08/23/2024, CSharp, Winform, SQL Library Seat Management System, WKKim, 08/23/2024, CSharp, Winform KADIS HMI SW Development, WKKim, 08/23/2024, CSharp, Winform EKMS, WKKim, 08/23/2024, CSharp, WPF, SQL, MVVM, DevExpress Electric Vehicle Battery Inspection Equipment Software, WKKim, 08/23/2024, CSharp, WPF, Winform, SQL ASP.NET Blog, WKKim, 08/24/2024, CSharp, ASPNET, SQL Global Trends in Computer Science, WKKim, 08/23/2024, AI Reasoning and Intelligent Systems, WKKim, 08/24/2024, AI Master's Degree Artificial Intelligence, WKKim, 10/22/2024, AI Robotics, WKKim, 08/16/2024, AI Multi-Agent Systems, WKKim, 08/16/2024, AI Data Visualisation and Warehousing, WKKim, 08/23/2024, AI Research Methods in Computer Science, WKKim, 08/16/2024, AI C# Blogs, WKKim, 08/26/2024, CSharp, WPF, Winform, ASPNET, SQL, MVVM, DevExpress SQL Blogs, WKKim, 08/24/2024, CSharp, WPF, Winform, ASPNET, SQL, Python, AI Python Blogs, WKKim, 08/24/2024, SQL, Python, AI Machine Learning, WKKim, 08/26/2024, Python, AI Natural Language Processing and Understanding, WKKim, 08/26/2024, Python, AI Development of an NLP-Based Sentiment Analysis Model, WKKim, 10/22/2024, Python, AI